There are days on our THPL journey when we are reminded that we share this beautiful planet with many, many, other creatures whom all have an equal right to the resources that mother earth has provided for us. And it is important to take a moment and appreciate the animal life that is around us. As much as we have urbanized the world we have to be mindful that the earth is not just for us and we should make our usage, while we are here, harmonious with our good neighbors. What is a THPL life without empathy, caring, support and love for all. And when we look at a video like this it seems hard not to be struck by the beauty of our neighbors and their place right beside us. We can live in harmony – we just have to want it to be that way. We can each bring real meaning to this way of thinking, each of us, on our THPL journey! An exciting moment for sure
Loving life when I care about our planet.