The quest for quality

The quest for quality seems like a good idea, especially while on the THPL journey.  But before we can effectively seek out quality we have to understand better what it means.  Webster’s defines it as “the standard of something as measured against other things of a similar kind; the degree of excellence of something”.  A good start but as it regards Life, Learning and Fitness we need more.  We need to see how other’s regard the activities that they do as the standard for how to do it.  Quality shows itself in a community when we can compare to what others do and are capable of, the best rise to the top.  And there are measures that we can use to determine the degree to which an activity or process can be measured against.  The lower the tolerance the better the quality.  Said a bit differently, if someone executes to their plan, every day, with discipline, precision and assessment and refinement, then there is a quality ethic there and a reason to get close to it.  While on one level the quest for quality might feel a bit “slippery”, with a bit of intellectual and physical effort we can find the quest for quality a noble and worthwhile endeavor and one that we should all seek out. 

Loving life when my quest for quality is alive and vibrant.