Did you tell someone.....

There are so many good things that happen while on the THPL journey.  One of the best though is what we learn while on the journey – in fact it near impossible not to learn something in Life, or Learning or Fitness.  And when we learn something that we find is really meaningful we should set out to share it.  Maybe we feel this way, every day, or once a week, regardless, what really matters is that we make it an obligation to share what we have learned. We need to seek out someone who can / will benefit from what we learned / experienced and we need to connect the two.  The more we do this the better for us and for our THPL community.  And in so doing we can expect that we will get the benefit back in return.  We share with each other regularly and “all boats rise” and our collective THPL experience just gets better and better.  Wow, that is really cool!

Loving life when I share what I have learned with others.