As we travel the journey that is THPL we have the opportunity to challenge convention, to think differently, to use our platform of Life, Learning and Fitness as enabler of living as we choose. And for many of us, if we are to do this, we first have to get beyond some of what we have been told as it pertains to how to think about our lives. One of the messages that we have been led to believe is that we need to chase the idea of “what do you want to be”. And while there is some very good merit in this goal, we might want to think more about “how we want to live” instead. In following the path to “how to live” we make different choices, we can feel better about our THPL journey, and we get away from a fixed goal, one that might be how others want us to think about life – with a much smaller aperture than we should bring to our lives. When we think about how we want to live we can think about our service to others, finding real purpose in what we do, making choices that bring us closer to the feeling of personal fulfillment. And even thought this is a different way to think about life it is worthy of serious consideration. This is what THPL affords us and what our community will support us with. So, maybe it is time to really think about how we want to live…..indeed
Loving life when I am making choices