THPL can be kind of programmatic. We have three elements, Life, Learning and Fitness. We have a cadence of activities. We have practices and techniques. And we know that this is goodness. It keeps us making progress. But it is important to not allow this “goodness” to get in the way of making decisions – on a daily basis - that will keep us thinking, vibrant and engaged. So, at the end of the day what if we were to take a minute to think about “what did I decide today”, would we find that we made a lot of decisions, big decisions, no decisions? And if none, then why not? None is ok, it just needs acknowledgment. We have so much power and we need to do something with it - one way for us to do this is to look at our lives through the lens of what decisions we make. A simple yet profound view of what we control and the empowerment and freedom that comes when we are engaged and make decisions….. It is time to move on this and make it integral to our lives.
Loving life when I make decisions….