Eternal hope

The THPL journey has gone before us and will continue on after us.  The life we choose to live during our time on the journey is one that springs from eternal hope.  The belief that even in the toughest of times we have all found a way forward, a good path, one that turns into a great path.  The journey similar, the experiences over time seemingly better as we live, learn, and love.  We are, after all, optimistic by nature, full of a desire to make what we have and what is to be better and better.  And as we do this, others are affected and take on this positive mindset, reaching, stretching, and knowing that hope indeed springs eternal.  Not subject to any one of us deciding the fate of our future.  Rather an inevitability that life will be better and THPL will continue on.     

Loving life especially when we have eternal hope as our compass