When it started

On February 18, 1978, 15 brave (and crazy souls) started the first ever Ironman triathlon (2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike, 26.2 mile run) in Hawaii to determine who the fittest athletes in the world were: swimmers, cyclists or runners. I am sure that on that date no one would have imagined that almost four decades later, thousands of athletes annually would have the unique experience of crossing an Ironman finish line and see the journey as a life changing accomplishment.  It is like this with much of what we endeavor to do on our THPL journey.  When we start our journey, the impact that time, and frequency, and continuance bring are not visible nor felt.  It is hard to know what will happen as we take our steps forward and make similarly brave moves as the guys did with the Ironman 38 years ago.  But what we learn from this instance is that over time if the principles of the endeavor are sound, and the applicability broad, then a big achievement, across many people and places is possible.  Maybe then just maybe what we are doing with THPL will spawn big ideas and big impact…..only time will tell

Loving life ….when on the THPL journey