Whether it is that we are on an ultra-marathon, working on a challenging project, or just finding our way on our THPL journey we are, from time to time, at risk of finding ourselves doubting what we are doing. The doubts can creep in slowly – they can come from lack of progress, pain, or even just boredom – regardless of the source, they can create a sense of wanting to quit. We wonder if we can indeed get to the end, if it is worth it, if it might not just be better to try again another time. When we hit these moments, and they will happen, we need to reach for that inner strength and connect back to the goal… and usually it works and we stay on track…… but if it falls short then we need to remind ourselves that much of what we do is for our community, for the others who count on us – who look for us to show the way – to show that indeed it is possible to stay the course and get to the end. Success is then, not just finishing, but avoiding quitting, and being a role model for all. The pathway to success is always available to us we just need to reach in deeper to get to it. It is a satisfying place to find ourselves.
Loving life ….every time I dismiss the doubts