Way before we ever heard about THPL we started with our family. One that is the foundation of all that we are. Set the right path from the beginning and it is much easier to stay the course – that is what family does. And then there is that moment when we become independent; we get to decide what to do, where to go, who to hang out with and much, much more. And it is during these times, when we make these decisions, that we should be explicit about what it is we are becoming part of. What is the community that we are joining, or affiliating with, or spending time with? What are their values, do they align, are they accretive to how we live? It seems that THPL is an instance of this community that we can use just like any other extended family. We reach in and we grab the core values and principles and use them - then we support others in this community with our attention, our thoughts and our efforts. We celebrate each other and we stand behind each other whenever necessary. And when we create this “community” we create a complimentary and additive element to the traditional definition of family, the basic unit of relationships, and by so doing web extend and reach and find a much bigger platform for support, life, learning and fitness. And this can last us throughout our lives.
Loving life ….with my THPL family