For the THPL community in the northern hemisphere today, March 20th is the start of Spring. The Vernal equinox. A day that marks the passing of the sun across the celestial equator from south to north. And with it so many interesting things to think about. And since THPL is all about learning, today is the earliest Spring since 1896. Some combination of how the Gregorian calendar was created in 1582 by Pope Gregory the XIII and leap years creates this earlier version of Spring. And with that we get the benefit of days with more sunlight and good reason to do more outside and to enjoy the warming of the air and the support for outside activity. So, maybe, this small advantage should get us thinking about how we want to capitalize on this moment and use it as a catalyst to push ourselves to get a little bit more out of every day. We have the opportunity to do so, let’s see what we can get done. Spring is one of the best metaphors for rebirth, growth and change, let’s grab hold of it and just do more. Sounds like a good plan on this special day.
Loving life ….with Spring in my step!