What we take for granted

Seems that the THPL journey should be for everyone to take and embrace.  We might even consider it a “right”, not a privilege.  The THPL journey, is after all, free and non-exclusive.  And with that in mind, a reminder, that in fact this is not actually a universally held belief.  In 2014, in the country of Barundi, in Africa, the government banned jogging.  If caught the “guilty” runner could be arrested and convicted of breaking the law.  And beyond the irreprehensible act and way of thinking that would take away such a simple right as running we are reminded that our journey, our way of life, is not to be taken for granted.  We need to embrace it, own it, protect it and use it every day.  In so doing we will indeed make it our “right” – yes, THPL and our journey is our “right” and not anything to be taken from us – ever…..

Loving life ….when we protect what we have