
Stoked, whether you are a millennial or not, a boarder or just a regular THPLer you might feel the urge to say that you are stoked about something.  That is feeling great, really high energy, a passion for what you are doing.  And it would also be that you cannot say you are stoked when you are not.  So, what is it that gets us to be able to say “I am stoked”?  Is it a true love of the activity, the feeling that we get when we do it – and if we cannot say “stoked” then why is it that we are doing something.  Shouldn’t we be doing things that just feel great?  So, our challenge each day is to measure our “stoked” level.  And when we find it low let’s challenge ourselves to figure out why and how to get back to that place.  For us to be the best we can be we need to feel “stoked”, yes indeed!  

Loving life when I am stoked