Perceived limit

To keep true to the journey that is THPL means that there will be times when we push ourselves hard. When we stretch into an area of discomfort.  This can happen in our fitness life and also in the other dimensions of the journey.  And what is curious is that there are some times when we feel like the effort to complete our activity, is just really hard.  We feel exhausted and we start to back off from the effort we are putting in.    The question is, are we responding in this way because we have hit a physical limit or because we are hitting a level beyond which we are willing to tolerate the effort?  Seems that the collective wisdom is that once we have hit what we think is hard we start to slow down or stop the activity.  And that in fact we have not hit our physical limit but rather our mental limit.  So, maybe it is worth checking out which it is – maybe we should give it a try – next time something really feels hard we should keep going and see what happens.  Maybe we might just go by our perceived limit…….

Loving life when I find out what is possible