We head out on our THPL journey and we have a choice. We can do it all by ourselves or we can do it with the support of others. There is indeed something to be said for being independent, learning on our own, taking “our” path. We are, after all, most satisfied when “we” do it. But if were to leave it there we might find that, in fact, we short changed ourselves. That we missed opportunities, or sub-optimized our journey. Being proud and independent we have to work just a bit harder to open ourselves to the right support. A recommendation (maybe a great book to read), a suggestion for better technique (pedaling properly), or even the success of others that shows what we are hesitant to do (speak in front of a group) is fraught with little or no risk. So, the next time someone offers help, support, suggestions or ideas, maybe we should say thank you, and give their input credence by giving it a try. We might find that the journey just got a bit easier.
Loving life when I have the right support with me!