We know that the most successful THPL journey is one that is informed and where learning is at the center of our experience. And now more than ever the availability of content/information/facts/insights, and curated versions (of all) are ubiquitous. It would then seem that we would avail ourselves of this opportunity to learn and we would do it as much as possible. Alas, it feels that we, collectively, do not reach out and use the learning elements that are around us, as much as we possibly can. We need then to think about how we should benefit from the learning activity and set measurable goals for how to achieve them. There is little risk and only a lot of upside when we make learning an integral and expiclit part of our day. There could be no better way to start the day than consuming amazing content, in the form of choice, and in a setting most fitting to each of us. This kind of morning “fuel” will just make everything better….indeed it will
Loving life when I am learning