The THPL journey it is that place where we are supposed to execute consistently to our principles, Life, Learning, Fitness, big themes, big purpose guiding our way to increasing levels of personal fulfillment. Oh but how life rolls…..perfect we are not. We know how to do it “right” but we get caught up, distracted, tired, or just something, and, well, we just don’t execute as we know how we should. So, what are we to do? Might it be that we should go back to basics, create a checklist, the one we look at every day, that we bring along with us, that has the reminders that get us back on track. The checklist works even for the best of experts. The doctor, the pilot, the teacher, they all have the checklist for what needs to be done, the order and the result. It keeps their performance at a very high level and it ensures that little can get in the way. Seems that the process of creating our own checklist might even be powerful as it is the creation of the list that will show us the power of the principles of THPL. Let’s do it, let’s start that list….now…..we will be better for it, that is for sure
Loving life when I have my checklist in hand