What are we waiting for

Along the THPL journey it is awesome when we get feedback that we are doing very well, that we are a role model for THPL, that we exemplify all that there is to be while on the path to personal fulfillment.   Realistically, thought, we will get little such feedback.  And even if we do, we are likely to see it as gratuitous.  Which leaves us where?  Waiting?  While we wait for love and positive feedback we might not get it or want it.  Have we created a conundrum…. or an opportunity….. to think differently about what it is that will keep us doing well on our THPL journey?  And that different thinking starts in our hearts, our heads and in our soul.  We get to decide how to think about our journey, how to enjoy it, appreciate it, and celebrate it.  We love feedback, we need it but we cannot become dependent on it or victim to the lack of feedback.  We are our best source of strength, and love of self, all we need to do is to tap into it and we will hit the path to remarkable way before we ever thought possible.                                                       

Loving life when I am not waiting on anyone but me…..