
For those of us who take the THPL journey we do so with our principles aligned and our destination certain.  We have to remind ourselves though, that we live in a bigger world than just our community.  It is a world that may not embrace the themes and principles that are central to living a fulfilled life.  And with the events of the recent past and a lack of progress in making as a larger respectful community it is important to remind ourselves that equality is central to a productive and positive society.  And this has to start with each of us – we are to respect everyone we know, everyone we meet, people around us, and those we will never meet.  We are to celebrate differences and seek a world that is better because we are all here together.  Maybe we can just focus part of our journey on building an equal world for all.  It would be a great THPL life indeed.

Loving life when part of a world of great (and equal) people