It is said that the journey of a thousand steps starts with the first one. And while these types of truisms are easy to understand, and easy to say, they are harder to live. We all hear of plans and aspirations and we enjoy the conversation about them. They are the “seed” of what is possible. Knowing when one of these seeds will take root seems to be the mystery of THPL. When that seed does take root we get a lot done, we improve on our performance, we connect with our potential, and we achieve more than we thought possible. But how do we get our plans and dreams to take this place? Might we use the metaphor of “sun and water” to get think about how we make it happen – for nature it is sun and water and for us it is “focus and execution”. The sun never waivers it is there at all times for us – our focus needs to do the same. The water is flowing and consistent – our execution needs to do the same. We have everything we need to get, not the first step taken, but rather the thousandth step and beyond. We just need to bring that “sun and water” feeling to our life and then embrace it in the way that nature embraces the earth – with permanence and presence. It is this kind of think that gets us to the beauty that we see as we grow and develop with this simple metaphor – the blossom is the better version of each of us. Time to get to it – there is nothing in our way!
Loving life when I have sun and water around me