It is possible that we can get caught up on our THPL journey and we keep our head down and plow forward and get to where we are going and we can miss all of the beauty that is around us. There seems to be, in our time-starved lives, in our drive to achieve, the potential to under-appreciate the bigger world that we live in. Ironically it takes effort to take in what is around us. We have to slow ourselves down. We have to stop and observe. We have to embrace nature, the world, the places and the people that we are surrounded by. And when we do the feeling is wonderful, our perspective evolved and the benefits to us and our journey innumerable. I found a video that makes it hard not to realize that there is so much to appreciate and seek out. The day, and our life, just gets better when we have such beauty around us…. Check it out:
Loving life when I am seeing the beauty that is around us