The unexpected journey

When we started out, on our own day one, of our THPL journey, we did so not knowing exactly what we would find along the way.  And the longer we last on the journey the more likely it is that we will find and experience something, some place, some person that was not expected.  It is after all part of the reason why we take the THPL journey.  It presents us a very exciting opportunity to get more out of our lives.  There is though, the risk, that we will miss the opportunity to do something with what we experience ; partially because we don’t know what we are looking at and partially because we just don’t have the time to stop and appreciate what is around us.  So, maybe it is important for us to look, every day, at our journey as we should expect to find the unexpected.  Having this level of personal awareness is how get the most out of our journey and leave no “unexpected” situation to waste.

Loving life when I experience what I did not expect