35 years ago this week, the IBM company introduced the IBM PC to businesses and the catalyst for what would become THPL was ignited. The IBM PC did things that no one could conceive of – a computer on the desk for $1,500, a keyboard that could go on your lap, a monitor to see the results of your work, and an ability to connect with devices and use software from companies like Microsoft. From here everything in the computing industry changed. We still see the impact of this 35 years later. For me it was my first opportunity to find that there were no limits to what was possible. I took the PC bait, became a “techie” with no prior knowledge or training, and fully embraced the opportunity to learn – 80,90, 100 hours a week, playing, programming, discovering, it mattered none how many hours it took- I was getting smarter and better and an expert right in front of my own eyes. And it all paid off as I was soon the “go to guy” for the PC platform at work – teaching everyone how to use this platform to transform businesses at 23. Life lesson number one learned “live” – it is the effort that we put to our mission that makes the difference. No permission required, no authority needed – just a resolve to learn, and then to learn more and then more. Never stopping to turn and look back the path was set for what was to become THPL.
Loving life when I look back from where I came