How to consider a moment

When we decide to take the THPL journey we intuitively know that there are going to be moments that we will face that will challenge our thinking and how we consider what is happening, to us, or around us.  Knowing that these moments will come don’t make them necessarily much easier.  We can get through them, but we will need to consider the bigger life that we are living.  For in the moment all can look “tragic”, like there is no way out, the impact large, and the ramifications big.  If, however, we can fast forward to some point in the future and look at how big the impact actually was, we might realize that we have over dramatized the moment and thus clouded our judgment.  So when it gets tough, when the unexpected happens, when we are not so sure about our decision or our circumstance, it is important that we take a pause, think bigger picture and the impact of that moment on our “whole” life and it is more likely that we will see a path forward, a way to a good state, a plan for success.  We can then act with good conscience, sound mind, and strong heart and that moment -  will just be a moment – not an end or tragic circumstance – and this is all the power we need to keep on the journey until the next challenge comes our way.

Loving life when I think bigger picture…..