A breakthrough

While on our THPL journey there will be times when we feel like we have plateaued.  We get to a point where we are good, or very good at something and we just stay there.  We start to feel it and while we can be bothered by our lack of progress we often get stuck there.  Maybe we are afraid of taking the next step, could be that we do not know how to get to the next level, might be that we are ok with where we are.  No matter the reason, if there is a moment when we decide we want to get to the next level, to look for the breakthrough, we need to create a path there.  And for the most part the path to the breakthrough comes from defining a challenge that is significantly further from our current capability.  Something that seems truly out of reach, something that our initial reaction is one of fear and apprehension.  When we find something that has this level of emotional reaction we know we have found the path off the plateau.  It will take an extraordinary effort but once we get to it, the body and mind will stop fighting the push to get better as resistance just takes too much energy and our innate need to grow and develop takes over.  With perseverance, determination, and resolve we have a certain path from our plateau.  And we can / should use it as often as is necessary.  We are better for it and the breakthrough feels so good when it happens.  Let’s go get it!

Loving life when I get a breakthrough.