Eye Contact

There are many mysteries that we will encounter on our THPL journey. Some of them explainable and some left to just knowing that they are true.  For example, why is it that when we look someone directly in the eye that we see so much more, understand more, sense more.  It is a very powerful element of the human being and a big part of the Life dimension of THPL.  For us to bring Life to the fore, we need to engage differently, we need to share and be part of our community.  And we can do this with something as simple as making an eye-to-eye connection.  In conversation it tells us what is going on, in a chance encounter it belies intent, in an active setting it indicates where movement will go, in a heartfelt discussion it will be the source of empathy that will bring us to a good place.  There is nothing more natural and powerful, and scary and off-putting.  And it is through this “eye-contact” that all good can come – so let’s focus on connecting our community and our souls with more eye-contact and more harmony with everyone around us.

Loving life when I make eye-contact