When we think about the THPL journey across a year we actually have a lot of time to reach the goals we have defined and hit the milestones that we have set for ourselves. And while we are mostly focused on “this plan” we have an opportunity to think about selected goals that are going to take longer to reach. For these goals, we can think about incubating them. That is, taking time to develop, in a safe and controlled environment, an idea and keep it safe and protected till it is mature and can get integrated into our full THPL life. Once we succeed with incubating an idea we will have a great opportunity to take on similar challenges and to do so as many times as we want. Incubating and growing – they are connected and empowering, let’s put together our own incubator and start to fill it up as soon as we can.
Loving life when I put ideas into my incubator