There are many thoughts that we have on the THPL journey. Dreaming, planning, practicing and doing that which we set our minds to. And while this is a good and healthy way to live we need to think bigger, and deeper, and more expansive. And as we do this we realize that we have so much to be thankful for. We can express our gratitude for having found THPL and committing ourselves to it. That there really are good things in the world, gifts that we have been given. And when we internalize this feeling we realize that so many of the sources of goodness come from others around us. We can feel them and acknowledge that others, through their example, allow us achieve goodness in our lives and all that we do. We travel this journey together and for this we are grateful and can express our gratitude. And then see how we can do the same for others. A magical circumstance for sure.
Loving life when I express my gratitude for all that we have.