With a clear heart

THPL is not about political statements, it is not about taking sides, that would not fit living a principled way of life.  We have our structure, we have our practices, we have our own personal accountability for how we will choose to live.  And this is how we move ourselves towards personal fulfillment, how we do more than we think we can, and show those in our community and those around us that there really is a choice in how we live and how to create a wonderful world for all.  And so as we enter a new era tomorrow in the U.S. the most important thing for us to do is to stay true to our THPL way.  It, after all, raised us up, and it will over time bring others into a world of possibility.  The tension that we feel is no different from any time in history.  The beauty is that we are not heterogeneous, that we are different and that we find ways to co-exist despite any tension that is around.  The times of great change happen when we show, by example, a choice for how we should live and the great things that come to us when we make that choice one that feels and sounds like THPL.  While there might be a bit of a fog that needs to clear, it will clear, and it will be a better world when it does and we will make it that way by how we live, not how we don’t want to live.  Here’s to our personal power and passion unleashing a world of possibility for all!

Loving life when I live THPL