The world miracle conjures up many images and feelings, most of them about the unexplainable. In years gone by we used the word to describe outcomes that we would not expect, things that should not happen. And while it is interesting to think about some kind of outcome that has truly no explanation the more time we spend on the THPL journey the more we realize that a miracle is really about bridging a gap between what we perceive to be the limits of the human body and mind and what is actually possible. It does not take a lot of reflection about human performance to realize that the power of the mind might not be limitless but for sure we don’t know what the limits are. Even something as simple as the placebo effect shows us how far we can go into the realm of what some might call a miracle. And so, maybe, what we need to do is to accept that the longer the reach, the more likely we use the word miracle to describe achieving what we would not expect to achieve. It certainly is another reason why we should have high expectations for what is possible as we traverse our THPL journey.
Loving life when I see a miracle happen before my very eyes