Dinner conversation

THPL is all about challenges, some of them harder than others.  The key to maximizing our experience along the journey is to be purposeful about what we do and the challenges that we take on.  Yes, there are some moments when we can be casual and silly, these are good, but then there are other moments that can bring big benefit when we put effort, energy and sincerity into them.  Dinner is a good example of an opportunity to take on a challenge.  What if we challenged ourselves to make our dinner conversation about ideas, about big issues, about impactful topics.  We can leave the gossipy talk to another time.  Some dinners warrant a conversation fitting of a topic that would be discussed in the “Economist”.  We need not be right or wrong, we just need to have the discourse.  To learn to discuss, to take a point of view, to defend (if necessary) and then move onto another topic or to coffee and dessert……The benefits that we will get from this challenge will propel us forward as we can only get better from having real and interesting conversations and doing so on topics that matter.  A good time can be had by all!

Loving life when I have a great dinner conversation