When it seems so ridiculous

Out on a good THPL run, listening to an ultra-running podcast and then reading a great article (see below) in Outside magazine there was a moment of, Oh Come On….  Can “people” really do that?  Run that fast, that far, for that long?  The next thought flowing out immediately, there is no way that I could ever do that.  Ridiculous, almost absurd….. and then a moment of pause.  A moment of reflection, THPL is not about them being faster or better (than me), THPL is about me being better than me.  Inspired by others; not intimidated by them.  Interested in the where’s and the why’s, an attitude change, a realization that being amazing is about each of us, how we think, how we choose to live.  It is our choice after all isn’t it.....


Loving life when inspired to do more