To walk in the shoes

For sure, the THPL journey will have elements that live in the digital world.  We get much of our knowledge from reading and evermore our reading is on a screen.  Nothing wrong with this however we do have to think about the collateral risk that comes along when we start to spend more time just with the screen and less time doing things “in the world around us”.  There are just some things that cannot be truly felt and experienced when we are only digital.  What does it feel like to take a long trip, to meet people of different cultures and backgrounds?  What does it feel like to eat in a shelter?  What does it feel like to be really cold and uncomfortable?  So many feelings that can only truly be felt when we take ourselves to that place while on our journey.  And of course there is no true way to feel empathy, how others feel, unless we walk alongside them, “in their shoes”.  It is a good reminder for all of us that we need both digital and analog to get the most of our THPL journey.  An exciting thought and a rewarding pursuit it is indeed….

Loving life when I am doing more than digital