Dateline, Melbourne Australia, and THPL finds itself on the first day of Autumn. March 1, curious, not March 21? Being from the norther hemisphere we think differently. We call the season after summer, fall, and we think of fall starting on the day of the vernal equinox. In Australia, the seasons are defined by grouping the calendar months in the following way: Spring - the three transition months September, October and November. Summer - the three hottest months December, January and February. Autumn - the transition months March, April and May, Winter – the coldest months of June, July and August. Different dates, different months, different ways of representing our connection with the different seasons. And it begs the question – what else don’t we know about how others live. Something so simple as the way the seasons play out is different. Travelling, inquiring, asking, observing, we learn so much. We become more complete as we live and learn. The significance of learning in the act – not just the substance. THPL made complete the more we learn. Indeed it is…..
Loving life when I am learning