
You would think; “dream it, plan it, practice it, do it” -  that if we follow this pathway that we would all be by definition obsessed with living THPL.  And while this is most likely the case, some of us are just going through the paces, we are on the journey but there is little soul, little passion for that which makes up THPL.  Maybe, a bit of introspection is required, am I obsessed with living THPL?  And if not, am I obsessed with anything?  And if not again, then why not?  What is it that is missing in our lives that leaves us without something that we feel so driven by, so passionate about, so caught-up in that we would consider ourselves obsessed.  It is a really good question and one that we need to resolve.  Without feeling really strongly about something (obsessed) we are not getting enough out of our life.  We need to start to dig, to look for and to find something that we can be obsessed about.  And we have to keep at it till we find it.  It matters little what weare obsessed with, the topic is not the point, it is the emotion, the feeling, the purpose that comes from being obsessed.  So, maybe it is time for all of us to do a gut check – what am I obsessed about?  And/or when will I find my version of obsessed.  An important task indeed.  Good for all of us, that is for sure.

Loving life when I am obsessed