Run Wild

The THPL community, as we have noted before, is real and made up of the people who have chosen to live to the THPL way.  And there are those to whom we are “virtually” connected to by what they stand for and how they reflect the values and principles of THPL.  A grass roots organization that fits into this category is “Run Wild” , who’s mission is to inspire, engage, and activate the national trail running community to protect our public lands.  As trail runners, and walkers, and hikers, we rely on our nation’s public lands to be outside and in nature.  Our shared lands provide substantial benefits for both natural and human communities, from protecting wildlife habitat and clean water to sustaining outdoor recreation opportunities and associated industries. It only seems right to protect these lands for generations to come, so that all may have access to the wonders of the outdoors in perpetuity.  Sharing this with our THPL community is important – we want, to the best degree possible, to protect the core elements that make the world a great place for us to live, in and on, where we can bring our version of THPL to life.  With a bit of focus and a whole host of good people we will have our planet to share for many years to come.  This is just one, of many ways, to support such our mission. 

Loving life when I am running (or walking) wild