Celebrating others

There are, indeed, many things to think about on our THPL journey.  And we do, care about ourselves and our community along the way and of course, we stay true to the Life, Learning and Fitness focus of THPL.  Maybe, though, more than anything we can do that will have an impact on “Life” is to celebrate the progress and success of others.  As we know, THPL is not about us “against” anyone else, it is just our own journey of personal improvement.  So, it should be easy to celebrate others, to note their progress, to cheer them on as their move along their THPL journey.  It really is almost an obligation, we owe it to each other to be supportive and to be thrilled when others step into their potential and their related possibilities.  Seems to me there really is nothing that we can do to make this a better world.  Celebrate others, that is it – our number one priority! 

Loving life when I am celebrating others