With Enthusiasm

We spend a lot of time pursuing our goals and our objectives.  We take the themes of Life, Learning and Fitness and put them into practice every day.  We thread it together with the idea of a journey, of a state of movement, forward progress.  And from this we create a narrative that is our version of THPL and one that we all grow quite fond of.  To bring THPL to the next level we need to share what it is we are experiencing.  We need to tell our story.  And we need to do it with enthusiasm.  Who do we tell them to – well sort of just about anyone who will give us a moment, we need not a lot of time, only a little bit of time.  And when given that time, we just need to get the feeling across, a feeling that is infectious, one that makes others go after what it is that we are pursuing, that “better version of me”.  And so we ask, what are if not the THPL stories that we tell (with enthusiasm)? 

Loving life when I get to tell me story