So what should it feel like running a marathon the day after running a marathon? Well, that is what I was to find out today. Continent number two, Singapore the location – a country that is effectively on the equator. The implications of this significant. Even with a start at 5:30 am an oppressive heat was there waiting for us. A very different run from Day one - today the route would take us along the harbor towards downtown and then reverse course to finish just about where started. The first 15 miles were good – legs felt better than expected and I was able to run and appreciate the Tai Chi being practiced on the side of the path, the beautiful view of the harbor, the amazing sub-tropical vegetation and so much more. But as the time wore on the heat index moving to the danger zone (the combination of temperature and humidity – in this case, 88 degrees and 78% humidity) the impact on the run became ever present. Even with a big increase in fluid consumption the miles just seemed to be hard work. 20,21,22, and then 23 all hard, the thought that there were only three miles to go did not satisfy the rough and tumble nature of what this run had turned into. Survive to the end, I repeated it again and again, it's only two miles, it's only one mile and then finally, after what seemed to be an eternity the watch read 26.2 miles. Not another step required today – and with it a sigh of relief, a feeling of accomplishment – number two done and completed. It would be remiss of me to leave off the best part of the day – Richard one of my two mates escorting me on bike rode the 42 kilometers – the most he had ever done – it was further proof that we can do more than we think we can and all we have to do is to bring a world of possibility to how we think about life. Johannesburg awaits – number three – the challenge continues!
Loving life after day two!