Not all days are equal

As we traverse the THPL journey we are granted 24 hours each day to do with as we choose.  For certain, the focus on Life, Learning and Fitness fills up many of the hours.  And we most likely have a solid routine that we keep that allows us to get the maximum that we can from each day.  And then there are the other days, the days that change the routine, some of them are when we push hard, take on a challenge or do something different. The other side are the days that for some reason or another are less effective, less than we want them to be.  Each of these types of days are what we should expect as we continue on our THPL journey.  The variety, the diversity, the maximum, the minimum, they all make up the mosaic that is our THPL life.  We need not over dramatize across this journey a single day – rather we look at the pattern and the progress that we make across the journey.  The days matter for sure but our overall direction matters more.  Here’s to accepting the journey for what it is and enjoying every day that we get.

Loving life every day!