active recovery

There are going to be opportunities for each of us, during our THPL journey, to take on big challenges.  And during these big challenges, we amp up our activity level and our internal systems to get us through the challenge.  Our internal system is capable of operating at an increased level of intensity for a set period of time and it responds well when we ask it to.  And then at some point, our challenge is completed and our system starts the recovery process.  Our system wants to get back to its normal routine (even if it this is one of high volume).  It is important that we let our system recover.  There are many approaches to recovery, take a break, reduce the volume, get treatments.  A preferred approach, though, is to use an active recovery concept which allows us to continue to be active while the recovery process starts.  Active recovery is good because going to a full stop after a big challenge is too abrupt and disruptive to our system.  It just feels better to do less, stay active, preserve our fitness and get ready to take on the next challenge.  We can adjust what we believe is enough activity to still allow for recovery but for sure there has to be a big percentage drop in the level of activity.  And we should let this go for anywhere from one to two weeks (depending on the magnitude of the challenge).  We will know when the period is over when we start to want to amp up our activity level again.  This is a time to enjoy – we are active – there is no stress – there is just goodness.  Maybe even a reward for the big challenge that we just completed.  Here’s to recovering!

Loving life when in active recovery