As the start approaches

On the ground in Sydney.  Feels great to be here – an anxious feeling of sorts.  I feel like I should start running now, yet a few more days to go.  Still some preparation to take care of.  And now that I am truly in “striking” distance of the start it seems like I am getting more and more comments and OMG’s from people I meet and talk to.  Really, they ask?  What could possibly drive you to want to do this – it is too hard – to difficult.  And I then have to check myself, yes, it will be hard, yes, it is improbable, yes, this is on the fringes of extreme.  Check again, I have done the training, the planning, the thinking, just about everything but the starting.  I am ready, yes, I am.  And as for the improbable – that is what this is all about.  It is when we step into big challenges that something special happens.  This challenge is about everyone who wants to do more, who feels it inside, who needs just to be ignited.  For them I will run and push and feel the pain as well I should.  Because if just one person does just one bit more in their life because of this adventure then it will have been worth every minute, every step along the way.  A blessing to be here, it really is…..

Loving life with six days to go!