On the THPL journey we often get advice from others, sometimes, unsolicited. And the advice seems to be mostly in the category of what might go wrong, what to avoid, why it might not work. We do appreciate the identification of risk but there is a point when it just gets in the way. It seems to drive us to a place where we could de-risk so much that might not stay to the mission. We can almost always talk ourselves out of doing something. What we need to do is to avoid taking too little risk such that we don’t push ourselves into a place that we can actually achieve what we set out to do. We are always more capable than what we are currently doing and so we need to keep our wits about us as we look at the risk profile of our next challenge and take on at least enough to begin to be uncomfortable. We will benefit from this approach and experience a lot more along the way.
Loving life when I am taking on bigger risks.