What are you reading

We know that the THPL life has three core elements and the Learning element might just be the most powerful, impactful and energizing element.  It is exciting to learn, to grow and develop, and to do so such that we get stronger and more powerful as people.  And there are many ways to learn; trough experience, participation, building, doing, and one of the all-time favorites, reading.  There are some things that just feel good and reading is one of them.  Books, papers, blogs, articles, it matters none the format, what matters is that we are tapping into this incredible source, one this is in and around us, that is easy to access and ready to be consumed.  The only obstacle to learning is that we do not make the time for it – we allow ourselves to get “to busy”.  Yikes, we cannot leave it at that.  We need to create a list, a list of what it is we want to read, what we are currently reading and what is next.  We need to create our reading list.  It can be long, it should be changing and dynamic, and it should be inspired by our own curiosity and by the recommendations of people we respect and know.  Time to get that reading list together……it is worth the effort for sure….what are you reading???

Loving life when I am reading