A handshake

There may not be a more well known, impactful, cultural gesture than the handshake.  An almost universal action / symbol, it is how we meet and greet, say hello and good bye, make a connection, and make someone feel noticed and important.  The origin of the handshake goes back to Ancient Greece where the handshake seems to have originated as a gesture of peace by demonstrating that the hand holds no weapon.  We have come a long way since then and handshakes are cultural by nature.  Some cultures like a firm grip others a soft grip, some like to shake for a short time, others shake longer.  And while the technique does vary there are a few good words that are implied by the process of shaking hands making us feel as great as it could be.  And this is because, the handshake conveys trust, respect, balance, and equality.  And if indeed the handshake can convey this type of feeling then it is worth every second to be focused on giving a handshake everywhere we go.

Loving life when I am shaking hands