We get on our THPL journey and we go fast forward, sometimes, very fast. And the kind of momentum that is built when doing this is excellent, for our lives, for our ability to meet our goals, to role model THPL behavior and so much more. It then would seem rather obvious that if we are to take a moment along the way for self-reflection that it would take just about as much energy to stop ourselves as it would to get ourselves going. Even if we get real value out of self-reflection we have to get very explicit that to engage, even in the shortest of moments of thinking about ourselves with a critical eye, will need a very explicit commitment to stop for a moment to embrace the process of self-reflection and all of the collateral benefits that come from doing this. So, let’s add stopping for self-reflection into our daily plan so that we can create a consistent behavior, that is harmonized with our need to make forward progress. We will benefit immensely when we do this.
Loving life when I stop for self-reflection