Am I training enough

It seems to be a good assumption that, for those of us on the THPL journey who are focused on fitness, we are training more than enough.  That we need to back off our training as we are exhausted.  Yet, there are some times when we lose our focus, we get busy with the rest of life and our training is not at the level that it should be.  There are some signs that we can look for so that we can catch ourselves before we lose our fitness, they include:

·      You are not making any progress with your fitness – you have plateaued

·      You are bored by your workouts

·      You find yourself taking a lot of days off

·      There are no days when you are feeling tired as a result of some really tough training.

These are just signs or us to do a review of where we are with our fitness.  We can take this moment and reset or just leave it as is.  It is up to us.  They key is to be explicit about what we want from our training.  When this happens THPL just feels better. 

Loving life when I am training enough.