We all know that a key part of our THPL life is the choices that we make. And in our time starved lives we need to challenge ourselves to do what we know is the right thing, maybe not the easiest choice, but often the better choice. One of these is the choice to put more natural foods into our body. Less artificial stuff, less preservatives, more fresh, more colorful, things that we know are natural – not modified. We can make this a fun thing – sort of like a treasure hunt – we look for really good foods and when we find them it is a reward. We will benefit before, during and after when we take this approach. And in the FWIW category – we need not be told something is natural – we know this innately. Let’s use our intuition, knowledge, experience and know-how – not some marketing gimmick insisting on some claim. Natural needs no definition – it either is or it isn’t. Have fun with this – it is worth it in so many ways….
Loving life when I am living naturally