The THPL journey defines movement, it implores us to go forward. And yet the challenges of life can get in the way. We can wear step counters, we can track our miles, we can do a lot if we so choose. And then what do we do when things get in the way? The idea is that every day we need to start and end with the same mantra – move more! There is so much goodness that comes from movement. We see more, we feel more, we grow and develop more. We just feel better when we move – stand up, walk, run, park further away, avoid the escalator, take the stairs. There are so many things that we can do, like move more, that are simple and yet impactful – it makes this life that we have been granted more and then some. The goal is simple…..every time we can, let’s just move more. We will love the results……
Loving life when I am moving more