Just show up

There are some things that are so simple, so basic, so foundational to what it is we do when on our THPL journey that it would seem that we need not mention them.  And yet, if we look deeply inside ourselves we will know that there really are very few THPL tenets that don’t bear repeating.  We really need to think about the basics and make sure that we get them right and one of them relates to the commitments that we make to ourselves and to others.  And that commitment translates into a simple mantra “just show up” – no excuses for not being there, we made the commitment, we considered the options, we made it explicit and we internally checked ourselves to see if we should be making the commitment.  And so, the next time we feel like not showing up, for whatever reason, let’s challenge ourselves to overrule that slippery slope, and stay true to our commitment.  Just show up – it is a simple mantra – and we are all capable of doing it.

Loving life when I show up