Look around you

The THPL journey can be enhanced with new tech for sure.  It can help us get from here to there efficiently and effectively.  Yet, it seems that there are so many other things that we should think about, and work on, that can enhance our overall experience as we progress along our journey.  There are clues and signs that can tell us which way to go – this can be on a trail or a road.  Look for patterns and flows and you can know what direction to take – most people head in the same direction and so you can move with confidence when you see this around you.  There are elements of nature that indicate what is happening with the weather, the wind picks up, the temperature changes, animals and birds react- we can all feel it if we just take a moment to let it sink in.  It can protect us and give us time to prepare if we pay more attention.  And then there is little of coincidence – when we see something, there is usually a reason.  We can find our way by just raising our antenna and paying attention to what is around us – clues abound and when we choose not to use our GPS our journey is enhanced with a sense of where we are and what is happening around us and it feels good to use this signaling to take our experience to the next level.  Yes, looking around us supercharges our abilities – let’s give it a go – every day – and see where it takes us….we might just like the outcome.

Loving life when I am looking around all the time